
get_top_k(factors, labels, comp_ids, k=10)[source]

Computes the top k labels and corresponding scores for each mode for each component in the list.

factorslist of ndarray

Factor matrices formatted as a list of ndarrays. Each factor matrix should be represented as an ndarray and have shape (mode_size, rank).

labelslist of lists of str

List of label maps, each of which formatted as a list of strings. e.g. labels[1][5] should get the 5th label of mode 1.

comp_idslist of int

List of component ids


The number of labels and scores to return from each mode for each component.


Nested dictionaries containing sorted lists of tuples. Keys are component ID and mode ID. Each tuple contains a label, its index in the mode, and its score in the factor matrix. (label, idx, score) e.g. Retrieve a tuple of the highest scoring label from mode 2 of component 10: ret[10][2][0]