Data Ingest & Preparation¶
Introduction to Sparse Tensors¶
ENSIGN primarily works with the sparse tensor data structure. ENSIGN uses tensors to represent datasets stored conventionally as tables (matrices a.k.a. order-2 tensors).
A single record of data is stored as a row in a table and as a single entry in a tensor. To understand this link, see the following example.
Consider a table where each row represents a network flow.
src_ip |
dst_ip |
dst_port |
timestamp |
---|---|---|---| | |
0 |
2018-11-03 09:18:16.964447 | | |
0 |
2018-11-03 09:18:18.506537 | | |
443 |
2018-11-03 09:18:18.610576 | | |
443 |
2018-11-03 09:18:18.610579 | | |
443 |
2018-11-03 09:18:18.610581 |
Interpreted as a tensor, the table would have two modes, the rows [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], and the columns [src_ip, dst_ip, dst_port, timestamp]. To retrieve a particular value from the table, you could index it like this: table[3][dst_ip] =
However, to take advantage of tensor decompositions, it is necessary to build a tensor that has more than 2 modes.
The proper tensor that represents this table would have four modes, one for each column. The modes would look like this:
src_ip: [,,]
dst_ip: [,,]
dst_port: [0, 443]
timestamp: [2018-11-03 09:18:16.964447, 2018-11-03 09:18:18.506537, 2018-11-03 09:18:18.610576, 2018-11-03 09:18:18.610579, 2018-11-03 09:18:18.610581]
The values of this tensor simply indicate if the corresponding row existed in the original table or not.
For example, the value of the tensor at the indices: [,, 0, 2018-11-03 09:18:16.964447] would be one, because that set of values exists as the first row of the original table.
However the value of the tensor at the indices: [,, 443, 2018-11-03 09:18:16.964447] would be zero, because that set of values does not exist as a row in the original table.
The problem with storing tensors is that the number of possible entries in the tensor grows very large. In this example the number of entries in the tensor is the product of its mode sizes: 3 * 3 * 2 * 5 = 90. Compare that with the table which has only 20 entries (4 columns * 5 rows).
Fortunately, since there are only 5 unique rows in the table, there are only 5 nonzero entries in the tensor. So the tensor can be stored in a sparse format in which only non-zero entries are recorded
Now the values of a tensor do not have to simply be a Boolean indicating whether or not the corresponding row exists or not. They could be the number of duplicate rows in a table or the values of a potential fifth column.
Duplicate rows become much more prevalent because the data has to be discretized. Each mode in a tensor can only have a finite number of indices. This process of discretization is called ‘binning’.
Binning the timestamp column of the original table by the second gives the following table:
src_ip |
dst_ip |
dst_port |
timestamp |
---|---|---|---| | |
0 |
2018-11-03 09:18:16 | | |
0 |
2018-11-03 09:18:18 | | |
443 |
2018-11-03 09:18:18 | | |
443 |
2018-11-03 09:18:18 | | |
443 |
2018-11-03 09:18:18 |
Note that the third and fifth rows are duplicates. Therefore tensor[][][443][2018-11-03 09:18:18] = 2.
The next section describes ENSIGN’s data ingest tool to perform the process of converting data tables to sparse tensors: csv2tensor.
csv2tensor reads one or more CSVs or Bro/Zeek logs from disk and returns a sparse tensor as an in-memory data structure.
The parameters that most influence the tensor construction process are: columns, binning, and types.
The columns argument specifies which columns of the original data will be used as the modes of the tensor. The recommended number of columns is 3-6. This can be thought of as a form of feature selection.
The binning argument determines how each column will be discretized. Different methods can accentuate different patterns in the data. For example, binning by the day of the week could highlight the differences between weekday and weekend behavior. Analogously, binning is like feature engineering. The available binning methods are described below.
The types argument specifies the type of each argument. The binning methods can only operate on specific types. Additionally sorting the modes depends on each respective type, if the sort argument is specified. The supported column types are detailed below.
Sorting and column fusion (sort and fuse_columns) should also be considered when building a tensor. The sort argument specifies which modes should be sorted. This makes visualizations much more interpretable. Column fusion allows columns to be combined. For example, latitude and longitude columns could be combined to form a mode respresenting location. Binning is performed before fusion so latitude and longitude could be rounded to a certain number of decimal places to achieve a specific granularity in location.
The tool can leverage Dask’s distributed scheduler to parallelize and distribute computation. To run the scheduler, navigate to: $ENSIGN_BASE/Ensign-Py3/ensign/ensign_dask.
./ [num_cores]
Information on the rest of the parameters can be found in the API reference.
Column Types
- str
Strings. Default type.
- float64
Floating-point values.
- int64
Integer values.
- datetime
Datetimes formatted as strings (e.g. ‘2020-02-29 10:52:00’). Datetime formats are automatically inferred and parsed.
- date
Dates formatted as strings (e.g. ‘2020-02-29’). Date formats are automatically inferred and parsed.
- time
Times formatted as strings (e.g. ‘10:52:00’). Time formats are automatically inferred and parsed.
- timestamp
Datetimes formatted as Unix timestamps. Interpreted as UTC time.
- ip
IPv4/IPv6 addresses. Does not support IP subnets. e.g. is supported, is not supported.
Binning Methods method-name[=<method-parameter-type>]
- none
No binning. Default.
- binsize=<float>
The binsize specifies the range of values that will be put in the same bin. e.g. a binsize of 3 will put the values in the range [0,3) into the first bin, values in the range [3,6) into the second, and so on. Requires the associated column to be of type float64 or int64. The output after binning is stored as float.
- cyclic=<int:float>
Similar to binsize binning but controls the total number of bins with cycling. The two parameters are the number of bins and binsize. E.g. the values: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] cyclically binned with the number of bins as 2 and the binsize as 2 will map the values to: [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0]. Requires the associated column to be of type float64 or int64. The output after binning is stored as a float.
- log10
Takes the log10 of entries and casts to an int. Negative values are taken as the negative of the log10 of their absolute value. Zero is mapped to zero. e.g. the values: [-100, 0, 100] are mapped to: [-2, 0, 2]. Requires the associated column to be of type float64 or int64. The output after binning is stored as a float.
- round=<int>
Values are rounded to the integer precision specified. Requires the associated column to be of type float64. The output type after binning is stored as a float.
- ipsubnet=<ipv4_mask>+<ipv6_mask>
IPs are masked with the provided masks. Requires the associated column to be of type ip. The output after binning is stored as string.
- ipv6_hextets=<num_hextets>:[‘MSB’|’LSB’]
Mask all but num_hextets continuous hextets, keeping the most or least significant.
- [second|minute|hour|day|month|year|minute-of-hour|hour-of-day|day-of-week|day-of-month|month-of-year]
Bin datetime/date/time/timestamp values by various time-periods. Requires the associated column to be of type datetime, date, time, or timestamp. The output after binning is stored as formatted strings.