
The demos provide interactive demonstrations of the ENSIGN Python functionality.

Jupyter Notebook Demos

The notebooks are located in $ENSIGN_BASE/Ensign-Py3/demo/

  • Tour_of_Ensign-Py3.ipynb

A general tour of functionality provided with Ensign-Py3

  • Interpreting_Decompositions.ipynb

Develops understanding of decompositions and how to derive insights from them

Running Jupyter Demos on a Local Machine

This is the case when ENSIGN is installed on a machine with a GUI and a browser.

cd $ENSIGN_BASE/Ensign-Py3/demo
jupyter notebook

A browser should appear with a filetree. Click on the demo of choice to begin.

Running Jupyter Demos on a Remote Machine

This is the case when ENSIGN is installed on a remote machine without a GUI and browser.

On the remote machine:

cd $ENSIGN_BASE/Ensign-Py3/demo
jupyter notebook --no-browser --port=8888

On a local machine:

ssh -N -L 8888:localhost:8888 user@host

Then navigate to “localhost:8888” on a local browser.

Note: If port 8888 is in use, it can be changed with the –port option and correspondingly in the ssh call.

Demo Application

Demonstrates basic decomposition functionality and the reading and writing of tensors when using the Python API.

Located at: $ENSIGN_BASE/Ensign-Py3/demo/basic/

cd $ENSIGN_BASE/Ensign-Py3/demo
python basic/